Welcome to Rainbow After The Storm  

When I got the call to say that the college that I was working for as a Mental Health Lecturer was closing due to the pandemic I realised very quickly that I had a choice to make. 
You see, I work with the most wonderful souls who along the way have had their own struggles and trauma to deal with. I knew that unlike teaching Spanish or Italian, (which by the way I so couldn’t and have a great deal of respect for anyone who can!) I could not just walk away and think ok we can pick this up some time later in the year. I knew that actually as much as I had been needed before Covid, NOW was the time that I was really needed! 
So this is how Rainbow after the storm was born. It has been a step learning curve, creating an amazing team, learning skills online and on social media that I didn't even know where needed, I mean who would have that zoom was anything other than a great Fat Larry song. Hours of learning how to create videos on YouTube, daily live broadcasts with people who I had never met before but who soon became the friends who we could no longer see.  
We soon realised that being totally online, whilst at first brought its own set of interesting obstacles, it also allowed us to be able to communicate and reach people within the safety of their own homes. Safety is key when helping with matters of the mind, often the feelings of stress and anxiety have been caused from trauma both from recent and past events, any kind of change and a huge sense of feeling lost. Combine all of these things together and we had the perfect storm. We knew we had to change things and do it in a different way as now more than ever we where needed. 
There are many reasons for this from, standing (and new) social anxiety, depression, fear or very sadly old fashioned loneliness. Together we have created a group full of people who we may never have reached before, these are the people in many ways who need more support to build confidence and self-esteem even before we can consider getting through the door to one of our face to face classes. 
If we fast forward two years down the line after several lock downs, the wearing of many masks, months of uncertainty it now looks like the world is starting to look more normal than is has for a long time. This is however not necessarily the case when it comes to well being and mental health, to us this is where we now need to start the next part of our journey and a very much needed and important path this will be. 
See whilst for some the feeling of normality is something they are able to step into, we are finding more and more people need our help and the huge adjustments needed are now the part that have triggered huge reactions. We are dealing with so many people who have managed to 'cover' how they have been feeling, those feelings of fear, loss even terror are now starting to appear. 
I knew that the changes around us all, the fear, the uncertainty, worry of the unknown and the constant news updates were a recipe for a huge problem for a large part of society, not just right away but now longer term. 
This ultimately was the inspiration that launched Rainbow After the Storm, or as it was originally know ‘Surviving the lock down, Well being and Mental Health Tips’.... Nicky Price Founder 

Our Course's For both Business & Public 

Understanding and starting to Heal Grief. 
We understand that the journey of grief is one of the most challenging and painful experiences one can face in life. Losing a loved one leaves us feeling shattered, confused, and overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. In times like these, it can be immensely helpful to have a supportive resource to lean on. 
Our FREE 6 week course both in person and on zoom starts Tuesday 13th February 2024. We will be looking at gaining a better understanding around grief and the affects is has on you and your mental health. In these supportive and non judge mental classes we will learning the importance of self care, patience and the awareness to start to know what we need at this time. 
It can effect our eating patterns, leaving us feeling sluggish and with a general lack of energy. Feelings that go with grief could be absolute exhaustion, feeling low and down. Add to this feeling guilty that we are not carrying on as 'normal', There might be (or will be) unexpected crying for a time, where you can start to feel that life is hopeless. Often, we have secondary grief that effects other aspects of our life. 
OK ... Let's take a deep breath as there is Hope. With a few small changes and a plan that we have created we can slowly start to change the way we both feel and understand what is happening around us. 
This course is available both in the work place and out in the community, it is ideal for anyone who is struggling to readjust and needs a gentle hand to help build back their self confidence. 
How to book classes - Workplace 
To book a place on our 7 week course please book via eventbright or 1-2-1 coaching for the work place, please contact us to discuss the service's available and which will be best suited for your workplace needs. 
7 weeks of teaching, 7 weeks of workbooks. Private Facebook Group to share ideas and support. 
Donation basis, how ever please do not let money be an obstacle to helping you with your Mental Health. 

Mental Health In the Work Place 

To book a workshop, a longer ongoing course or 1-2-1 coaching for the work place, please contact us to discuss the service's available and which will be best suited for your workplace needs. 
Our workbooks, have been designed and created inhouse, using years of experience, learning and ongoing feedback from participants, so that you will always receive the best version of what we are teaching at the time. 
Our friendly team are professional and friendly they pride themselves on being person centered, allowing them to get a better understanding of the worries and stresses that may be causing any block.  
We are not about death by PowerPoint we are more interested in helping people move forward, helping to them create bespoke well being plans, that can continue long after we have left, after all this is what you are really interested in. 
Gifts, goodies and resources for your mental and emotional well being, all designed to help you de-stress, feel more positive and manage your worries. 

Daily Walks & Chat 

I know what always works best for my own mental health and having some structure is the key. So, this is how I went about it, starting with the 1 hour of exercise being the only time that you could leave the house. We had two spaniels and if anyone knows spaniels you will know that they need a good walk each day for everyone’s sanity! 
So I decided that my outside time was going to be going around my local park. On one particular walk I thought "I wonder if anyone would be watch online going for our walk". I didn't really expect much response but each day the following grew and the feedback was wonderful. I didn't’t realise how many people were unable to get out even for that one trip each day. It became a life line for lots of people and each day I would chat as I wandered along and the interactive messages soon became a big part of our morning … this is how our daily chat and walks started. 
This soon developed into a new habit for people. A reason to get up to come and say hello both to me and to others (others who to start with they didn’t know but slowly over time they grew into this amazing supportive community). 

Well-Being Chat, Guided Mindfulness & Meditation 

Every Wednesday Morning @ 10.30am 
Each week we have a Live Facebook Chat and guided Mindfulness session, covering lots of relevant topics such as around reducing stress, things we could do to look after our self-care, setting small tasks around feeling positive, noticing what we are grateful for and how to feel connected even whilst on our own. 
Each session is finished with a guided meditation or mindfulness session to help you to feel calmer, over time these classes help to build resilience, bring down stress levels and help reduce Anxiety
I greeted everyone as they arrived on the daily live each day as if I was meeting them in one of my classes. Soon these classes became more popular as people realised that they weren’t alone in how they were feeling and that is was Ok to not feel OK. Each day the viewing grew and again this started to become a part of people’s new routine. 

Friday Night Live Disco 

Every Friday at 7pm - 10.30pm 
The last part that we started was a Friday night live disco! This started because a normal Friday night in our house involves having music on (usually a selection of 80’s tunes) our very own disco lights and a good old fashioned dance around our living room, I am still not sure how we got to doing Live Discos on a Friday night but I am so glad that we did. 
Many years ago, I had been a DJ so to me it was just a normal thing to do. Along with Justin my husband, this has turned into the event of the week and something for everyone to look forward to. We have so much fun and laughter and occasional heartfelt tears that this feels like a family party with everyone interacting from the safety of their own home. 

Virtual Care Classes 

What I had not appreciated was that whilst the nation was in lock down this is how many people live their lives, with no interaction, no visitors, no connection, and no window to the outside world. 
There are many reasons for this from, social anxiety, depression, fear or very sadly old fashioned loneliness. Together we have created a group of people who we may never have reached before, these are the people in many ways who need more support to build confidence and self-esteem even before we can consider getting through the door to one of my face to face classes. This was even more inspiration (as if I needed it) to create our V.C.C (Virtual Care Classes). 
As time moved forward, we wanted to add to our offerings and approached a couple of like minded people to see if they would be able to help Rainbow by adding new content and enjoyment. These new classes have become instant hits, offering advice and tips around ‘mind and body’ through easy to follow ideas, tips and guidance. 


We have received an award from the High Sheriff of Cheshire. It was made to Rainbow After the Storm in 2021 in recognition of 'great and valuable services to the community'. 
The High Sheriff of Cheshire award & Community  
Re-Awards Outstanding Impact Award. 
We are so proud to receive the 'Impact Award' from Community ReAwards for outstanding contributions within the community. 
Warrington Guardian Lockdown Heros 2021, Community Champions 
We are so honoured to be selected for the work that we do within our community. 

Our Services 


Anxiety and Depression 



Classes and Events 

Work With Us 

Anxiety and Depression 



Classes and Events 


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